Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. I

| Read Time: < 1 minute

What could go wrong filing your taxes during a loan

I would like to discuss obtaining financing during tax season – this only pertains to conventional financing.  If you are in the middle of a transaction with a conventional loan, probably more so for purchases, then it might be a good idea to consult with your loan officer prior to filing the return with the IRS, and here’s why: ...

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Tired of junk mail

Cary Donham  Shows you how to  opt out of junk mail? Did you know you have the ability to opt out of junk mail? I recently received an email from a client who thought we were sending a bunch of mail to her new rental property we just closed and funded.  I explained that we don’t spam mail our clients...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes

What does a loan officer do all day anyway

A Loan Officer is a licensed mortgage professional that makes credit decisions and structures loan options to suit the borrower and offers loan options to fit the borrower’s financial situation and credit worthiness. A Loan OfficerReviews the loan application and the income and asset documents and any other relevant documents provided by the borrower.Based on the outcome of the...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes

Simple Credit Tip From The Pros

In this article I would like to cover a strategy for those who use credit cards, especially for those who rack up high balances each month for the miles.  What many don’t know is approximately 1/3 if your credit score centers around the ratio of the amount of debt in relation to your credit limit on your revolving debt. ...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes

The Keys To Investing Success

   Real Estate Investing has become the hot trend across our country and is gaining popularity.  There are many benefits to Real Estate Investing like Cashflow, Market Appreciation, Equity Capture, Tax Advantages (Depreciation), and Principal Pay Down.    Financing options have increased over the last few years with more coming to the market daily.  Knowing how and when to...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes

So….What’s it worth?

That’s usually one of the first questions that comes to mind when looking at a property…. How do you know what a property is worth?  How much should you pay for it?  Well, you can get an appraisal….so, what’s an appraisal, where do I get one and why do I need one?  But we’re getting ahead of ourselves a...

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